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Holistic Wellness Program

Take Control of Your Health - Mind, Body & Spirit

At our wellness program, we believe in a comprehensive approach to achieving optimal health and well-being. Our mission is to provide personalized care that addresses the whole person - body, mind, and spirit. Through a combination of nutrition, exercise, mental health support, and alternative therapies, we empower individuals to overcome health challenges and embrace a vibrant, fulfilling lifestyle.

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Who Can Benefit?

Our program is designed for individuals at risk for or diagnosed with:





High cholesterol




Mental health disorders (depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, etc.)


Substance abuse disorders



Get Started with a Personalized Assessment

Your journey begins with a comprehensive assessment to understand your unique needs and goals. This includes:

- Wellness Questionnaire


- Physical examination 


- Mental health screening


- BMI, A1C, and blood pressure evaluation


Based on your assessment, our healthcare team will create an individualized health and wellness plan tailored to your specific requirements.



Nutrition for Optimal Health

Proper nutrition is the foundation of our program. Our registered dietitians will guide you through:

- Monthly home visits for nutritional counseling and grocery shopping tips


- Realistic meal planning focused on a low-glycemic, Mediterranean-style diet


- Monthly nutrition groups and weigh-ins


- Incorporation of essential supplements (multivitamins, omega-3s, amino acids, folate, magnesium)



Exercise for Vitality

Regular exercise is crucial for physical and mental well-being. Our certified personal trainers, experienced in working with various health conditions, will design a personalized fitness plan for you, including:

- Fitness assessment and goal-setting


- Group exercise sessions with a step-down schedule


- Daily walking goals tracked with a pedometer


- Supervised workouts tailored to your abilities and needs



Mental Health and Substance Abuse Support

Our program addresses mental health and substance abuse disorders through a range of evidence-based therapies:

- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)


- Motivational interviewing


- Medication management (psychopharmacology)


- Relapse prevention strategies


- Stress management techniques (relaxation, meditation, massage)


Family and Children's Program

We understand the importance of family support in achieving lasting lifestyle changes. Our family and children's program includes:

- Family support groups


- Nutritional training and home visits


- Age-appropriate exercise sessions


- Behavior management strategies for ADHD and other issues



Progress Monitoring and Evaluation

Regular assessments and evaluations are conducted at 3 and 6 months to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your plan. We track improvements in areas such as:

- BMI reduction


- A1C and blood pressure improvements


- Reduced depression and anxiety symptoms


- Increased physical activity levels​


Online Resources and Support

Our online platform provides access to a wealth of resources to support your wellness journey:

- Educational materials and recipes


- Exercise videos and guided workouts


- Online support groups and forums


- Telemedicine consultations with healthcare providers



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Take the first step towards a healthier you today!

Schedule your personalized assessment by calling 919-748-3668 or completing our online form.

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